How to Build Your Business While Working a 9 to 5!


Great day to you! It is a beautiful Monday morning here in North Carolina and I wanted to take a few moments to check in on you! I know it has been a while since you have received a personal message from me (of this sort) but I am BACK! I’ve had a lot going on here since transitioning off of my job into full time entrepreneurship and boy does time fly by when you are on your own clock! Therefore, I have to be very intentional in everything I do. I’m sure you can relate right? Whether you still punch a clock and are committed to someone else’s vision (which we will discuss in a bit), or you are your own boss, either way time will get away from you if you do not practice giving each day direction and planning ahead for everything from times to check your email, write a blog, or even connect with your followers like I am doing now.

Well, that leads me to exactly what I wanted to talk with you about today! Perhaps you are still on your job and let’s say you absolutely hate it! Your boss is very demanding, your co-workers will stab you in the back therefore you have to keep one eye on them and one eye on your keyboard. HA! But can I tell you it is all a part of your process?

depressed lady

Now, I’m sure you may have expected me to say, “Quit! You don’t have to stay there and take it!” But that would be unwise especially if that is your only source of income. But what I would like to share with you is this: It is possible to build your business while working a 9 to 5 (or simply put: working for someone else).

You may ask me wondering how in the world is that possible!!! I’m sure you are but guess what? It is! I built the Women of Standard brand while I was working for someone else! I wrote my first book while I was punching a clock and guess what? I became a National Best Selling Author! I also wrote my second book while still working my 9 to 5! Guess what else? I hosted events, coached clients and spoke at multiple events where I was being flown into different states to speak all while working my 9 to 5!


So enough about me right? You want to know HOW to do it right? Well, here’s how YOU can build your business while working a 9 to 5:

  • Develop a CLEAR picture of what you would like to do with your life & WHY: If you don’t know where you are going you will end up anywhere. Being clear with your intentions will help keep you laser focused on each assignment at hand. Also, identifying your WHY will motivate & encourage you when you are up late working on your vision after you have given your boss 8-10 hours of your day and only have about 2 hours to work on your own (after you’ve gotten the kids to bed, spent time with your spouse, spent time with the Lord; sometimes there isn’t enough time in a day huh? Or so you think! You have the same time everyone else has but it’s all in how you use it and one key point is being sure to GIVE EACH DAY DIRECTION even so to the point that you create times to socialize, connect with your followers on social media, check text messages, reply to emails, blog, reach out to new clients, develop new marketing idea; etc.
  • Develop SOLID goals & an action plan: Often times, people develop a lot of goals which consistent of things they desire to accomplish but a desire without a plan is simply a WISH! You must decide today if you are going to be a person with a “wish” or someone who possess a “dream” or “vision”. Do you hear the power in the latter two words rather than the first one? Exactly! Someone who “wishes” desires something and then waits for it to happen. A person with a “dream” or “vision” develops an action plan on HOW to get out there and MAKE IT HAPPEN! When I wanted to become a Best Selling Author I didn’t wait on a publisher to choose me, but rather I did the research and learned how to self-publish my book which went on to become a National Best Selling book! Anything is possible if know a) Where you want to go and b) What it will take for you to get there!

Stay tuned next Monday for more tips on How to Build Your Business While Working a 9 to 5!

Need assistance in clearly defining your goals? Schedule a 30 or 60 minute EXCLUSIVE coaching call with me today by visiting!

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